100 Word Challenge Week 4

Hi Guys,

Here is my 100 word challenge for week 4:

“Ok everyone it's time to go on camp!” My teacher shouted, “Bye, everyone!” We all shout back.

2 Hours Later…

“Yay we’re here!” I shouted. We all go and grab our luggage and our tents, “ Time to put your tents up!” The teacher shouted. I go over and look around the forest and I see some weird looking trees, I go for a closer look as the trees start moving! I hear a helicopter, I look up as guy says “Attention all people! This week we have a strange group invading the wood, so can you please move out of the wood in an orderly fashion.”
Just as the guy finishes talking all the trees run out of the woods, back to there home in Duntopia “Yay! We can stay!” John Shouts, “YAY!” We all shout in unison.


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